By Dr. Jowallah and Dr. Levermore
Our current global pandemic requires us to come up with creative and engaging ways to connect with each other in a virtual forum. The recent closing of various places of worship has caused most church leaders to seek a synchronous mode (Facebook, Zoom, etc.) for the delivery of their worship services. It may even be helpful to have multiple services in one day, several days, or different types of offerings so that congregants may find it convenient. For example: Bible Study, Prayer Meeting, Hymnal Hour, Sermon, etc. While some places of worship have been live streaming for years, for others, this is a new concept that is proving to be challenging. Consequently, thousands of congregants attending places of worship via Zoom or Facebook Live have found themselves in unknown territory. For example, merely finding a link for the required live-streamed service can, at times, be problematic. Then when the connection is made, it may be weak or unstable, which leads to additional issues that make the streaming experience unpleasant.
Below are some useful tips that places of worship should consider when using Zoom, Facebook Live, or other synchronous modes of streaming: